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Improving Brand Presence with ARwayKit SDK

Improving Brand Presence with ARwayKit

author Team


April 28, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • Utilize ARwayKit SDK’s customization features to align your AR application’s look and feel with your brand identity.
  • Tailor everything from the app name and description to the dashboard home screen and app thumbnail for cohesive branding.
  • Remove ARway watermarks and integrate your branding elements such as logos in the scanning animations and accuracy dials.
  • Customize access point logos and other navigational icons to reinforce brand visibility.
  • Transform standard AR applications into fully branded experiences to strengthen user engagement and brand loyalty.

In the ever-evolving world of augmented reality, branding plays a pivotal role in ensuring that your AR applications resonate with your audience. offers extensive customization and white labeling opportunities through its ARwayKit, empowering creators to tailor their AR experiences with distinctive branding elements. This blog delves into the best practices for leveraging these opportunities to improve your brand presence in AR applications.

Customizing Your Mobile App Experience

ARwayKit provides a robust set of tools for customizing the mobile app to reflect your brand’s identity:

App Personalization: Begin with the app name and description to clearly convey your app’s purpose while aligning with your brand voice. Ensure seamless transitions by directing users smoothly from your marketing platforms to your app’s download page. Design an eye-catching app thumbnail that captures the essence of your brand, enhancing initial user engagement.

Dashboard Home Screen: Customize elements like the background color, app text, and icons to maintain brand consistency across your digital presence. For partners and corporate plans, replace the ARway logo with your own, reinforcing your brand’s presence within the app. These personalized elements help users feel a stronger connection to your brand from the moment they open the app.

Enhancing the AR Scene

Modify the AR environment to immerse users fully in your branded world:

Remove ARway Watermark: Available for certain plan holders, removing the watermark keeps the focus on your brand, making the user experience more cohesive. Integrate your logos into the scanning animations and accuracy dials, and customize the location pin indicator with your brand logo. These modifications ensure that users are consistently reminded of your brand throughout their AR experience.

Platform Accessory Customization

Extend your brand’s reach within the app by customizing various navigational and interactive elements:

Access Point Logo Options: Brand the icons for ‘My Maps’, ‘Help & Support’, and the bottom bar within the app. Tailor the ‘Scan QR Code’ interface to align with your brand’s visual identity, ensuring that every interaction reinforces your brand’s image.

Custom Scanning Interface: Tailor the scanning interface to align with your brand’s visual identity, making the experience seamless and brand-focused.


By fully utilizing the branding and white labeling capabilities of ARwayKit, creators can transform standard AR applications into fully branded experiences that not only engage users but also strengthen brand loyalty and recognition. These customized elements ensure that every interaction within the app reinforces your brand’s identity and values.

Contact Us

Start redefining your AR experience with ARway’s branding capabilities today. Visit our ARway SDK Documentation to explore in-depth guides and resources on customizing your AR applications to reflect your brand’s unique style and message.

Visit our Resources Page to access in-depth guides and tutorials that cover ARway’s extensive features, from basic configurations to advanced techniques. Engage with our Community Forum to connect with fellow AR developers, exchange ideas, and gain inspiration for your next creation. This community is a vital resource for solving challenges, acquiring new strategies, and seeing how others are applying ARway to convert everyday spaces into engaging digital experiences.

Take this opportunity to advance your professional skills and provide leading-edge solutions to your clients or stakeholders. Start creating with ARway today, and discover how our platform can elevate the impact and appeal of your augmented reality projects. Whether you’re crafting interactive marketing campaigns, educational content, or innovative navigation solutions, ARway supports you in building AR experiences that resonate deeply with users.

About by is a powerful, no-code spatial computing platform that melds the real and the virtual into a seamless experience. One of its powerful features includes navigation and wayfinding that facilitates the creation of robust AR navigation with accurate positioning, digital directory, turn-by-turn, and optimized routes.

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Embrace the Future with ARway

Discover how ARway’s advanced technology stack can transform your approach to augmented reality. Whether you’re a developer seeking robust AR tools or a business looking to innovate, our technology is the foundation for your next big leap.